Thursday, December 19, 2013

Cookie Decorating

This last weekend we went to a cookie-decorating event sponsored by the local 4-H club. The kids went right to work.

 Well, except for Willow, who just enjoyed the atmosphere and smells of sugar.

It quickly became obvious that this was very much an art event.

 Who can resist?

 Yum, sweet bliss.

 Soon the frosting mustaches (and beards) were evident.

 And why bother putting frosting on the cookie when it can go straight in the mouth?

 These little friends decorated diligently.

 How high can a cookie be decorated? Or maybe the question should be how high can it be and still fit in your mouth?

 Caleb gave a little talk about what 4-H is. Cloverbuds are the youngest 4-H members, and need to be just 5 to join.

Warning: the next photos may cause you to gain five pounds just by looking at them.
 Desert Girl's final creations. Which one would you choose?

Desert Boy's decorating. I think he had a theme going on!

Here's to a sweet Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. great pics Gretchen, lol and nicely written ~ and what a good turnout :)


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