Saturday, November 16, 2013

Fall Leaves

The weather was great earlier in the week, so we've been raking up leaves. We got some extra help to move the leaves out of the yard. That involved loading the leaves into the back of the pickup, driving them to the meadow, and dumping them out in a low place far enough away that they won't blow back in our yard. The kids did a great job getting the leaves out of the truck.

 Well, at least the older kids did!

 The younger ones were good observers. (Like Desert Girl's leaf raking outfit? That girl likes to dress up for every occasion!)

 Henry took a rather laid back approach to the whole thing, too.

Once the leaves were out of the truck, it was time for the fun to begin.
 Jumping time!
(The blue flagging tape is from an earlier game of tie each other up. It was educational. Sort of.)

 I have to say, frilly dresses make for the best jumping photos!

Ava got some air on this jump!

It was a fun diversion, and so nice to have a treat at the end of a task!


  1. The moon on the last shot makes for a great background! Great photos again!


  2. The moon on the last shot makes for a great background! Great photos again!



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