Monday, October 7, 2013

Time to Visit Some State Parks

Well, the federal government may be partially shut down, meaning that National Park Service units are closed. That sucks, but it's not the end of the world. To try and find a silver lining, this is an opportunity to explore the state parks in more depth. And we are fortunate to have some wonderful state parks!

Here are a few we've enjoyed over the years:
* If you wanted to visit Everglades, Biscayne or Dry Tortugas National Parks, try Zachary Taylor State Park in Key West instead. Great snorkeling, nice beach, and some interesting history.

* In lieu of Arches, Canyonlands, or Capitol Reef National Parks, visit Goblin Valley State Park. It has a cute campground, neat goblin features, trails, and is close to some great slot canyons.

* Instead of Golden Spike NHS or Timpanogos Cave NM, Antelope Island State Park is in the Great Salt Lake of Utah.

And instead of the marvelous Great Basin National Park, you could try

  • Cave Lake State Park
  • Ward Charcoal Ovens State Park
  • Cathedral Gorge State Park

And although I've been to all of these state parks (some quite recently), I realized when I put together this post that I don't have posts on any of them! Time to get busy!

State parks are often overlooked, and this is a time where we really need to thank those who run them and maintain them. It's good to have such a diversity of places to go and appreciate.

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