Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Take It to the Lake 10K and Kids Fun Run

 Last year I ran a the Take It to the Lake Half-Marathon near Ely, Nevada sponsored by the Ely Outdoor Enthusiasts. It was a difficult course, with 800 feet elevation gain starting at 6,600 feet. Nevertheless, I enjoyed it (despite being sore for quite awhile afterwards!). I put the 2014 race date on my calendar, but as the race got closer, I realized I didn't have the time to do the proper training for a half-marathon. Fortunately this year they had a 10k option, and I trained for that. Not only did I train, but I trained to do really well (by my standards!), including lots of hill workouts and long runs.

The 10k was scheduled to start at 9am, and the weather was supposed to be pleasant, so we decided to camp at Cave Lake the night before. They have two campgrounds, and we found a spot at the Lake View campground. The campsite was nice, and we quickly set up the tent and had a simple dinner. We checked out the flush toilet bathrooms and hot showers (wow!). Then we walked down to the lake to enjoy the almost full moon reflecting in the peaceful setting. Nobody else was down there, and it was great.

After an okay night's sleep (Desert Girl wiggled out of her sleeping bag multiple times and then woke up), we got up, had a big breakfast, and were nice and close to all the race activity. I took the shuttle to the start of the 10k.

 My husband took the kids fishing and then to the Kids Fun Run. Yonder Yoga from Ely led the kids in pre-race stretches, and my husband got great photos. My kids love doing Cosmic Kids Yoga (we've already tried out a couple new episodes!), so they were into the stretches.

 Well, at least Desert Girl was into the stretches! Like her running outfit? She's so stylish!

 Finally it was time to start. The kids lined up...
...and then were off to run a mile.
 Desert Girl ran most of the race with her friend Rose.

 What a great morning activity in the fall!

 Desert Boy did really well, coming in fifth or maybe better. We weren't certain. The race was untimed and we made sure he knew that it was called a fun run, and as long as he had fun and finished, we were happy.

 Desert Girl did such a good job!

 She may not have always run the straightest line, but that's okay. She finished under her own power and got a medal, and by golly, she's been showing that medal to everyone.

 Meanwhile I was out at the windy flat (or sort of flat, flatter than the canyon anyway). Colorful flags marked our starting line, and we cheered the half-marathoners as they came through.

 Then it was our starting time, and we got a gun start to send us on our way. Ely's cool like that.

 I had a goal for the race of 65 minutes or less. That probably doesn't sound very fast to you runners out there, and it isn't. But for me, running uphill at elevation, it was a goal that would push me but doable. I wanted to be at mile marker one by 10:00, but it was 10:20. I wanted to be at mile marker two by 19:00 (it was not as steep), but didn't make it until 20:00. I wasn't so sure I was going to make my goal, because I figured I would get slower as the road got steeper and I got more tired.

 To my great surprise, I was able to stay at 10 minute miles even as the road got steeper. (The tail wind was much appreciated!) I was ecstatic, and feeling really good as I slowly caught up to half-marathoners. Finally I got to the steep hill at mile six and had to walk up it, totally messing with my time. But at the top it was only a short distance to the finish line, and I finished in less than 65 minutes. Yippee!

It turned out that I was the first 10k finisher, male or female. I have many friends who can beat my time, so if you're one of them, you should enter next year! I felt a little bit like an imposter coming in first, knowing that there are so many faster people than me. Ah well, I guess I'll enjoy it while I can!

 The kids showed me their medals and their goodie bags. (The goodie bags rock at this race!)

Desert Girl and I went and cheered on more runners, then took a little walk by the lake. It was cold water but so beautiful.

 In a little while the post-race BBQ started. Yum! That's another thing I love about this race.

 I tried to get a photo of the kids with all our medals under the finish line, but they were feeling a little tired and uncooperative by this time.

 Nancy, the race director. Thanks for such a great race! And many thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors helping with the race. It's so nice to have a local race where you know the terrain and know more of the runners.

My trophy! Super cool.


  1. Great photos! Hope to see you cross the line first next year! :)

  2. Thanks for blogging the race Gretchen! I love your pictures! Can I get some of them for Facebook and our website?


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