Sunday, August 25, 2013

Take the Hallmark Get Carded Challenge

Do you open your mailbox every day hoping to see something good in there? Do you feel a little letdown when all you get is junk mail and a bill or two? I sure do! I hope that the mail will bring me something wonderful! And some days it does. I particularly get excited when I get a handwritten note from someone.

Well, it's time to share a little joy. I heard about the Hallmark Get Carded Challenge and decided I wanted in.

The challenge is simple: Send 7 cards in 7 days to 7 special people in your life.

Hallmark sent me a package of cards for the challenge. I've always considered Hallmark cards to be the best of the best. The selection I received had some fun musical cards, some great kids cards that made my kids burst out laughing, and my favorite, the textured cards. Then came the hard part: selecting who to send these beautiful cards to. I have so many people in my life that I want to send a handwritten card to!

For the seven cards, I chose a couple people with birthdays (so much nicer to get a real card than just a note on Facebook!), friends with a new baby, a sick neighbor, a neighbor who shared some produce with us, and a couple long distance friends.

It was so fulfilling to write cards that I decided I'm going to do the challenge a second time, and I invite you to do it with me! To make it a little easier on your pocketbook, Hallmark is offering 30% off their cards with the code BLOG30 from

Hallmark also agreed to let me share a packet of cards with one lucky reader. You can enter below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Let me know in the comments or on the Desert Survivor Facebook page if you'll be doing the challenge and how it's going for you!


  1. I LOVE fun mail! I'm one of those people tho hurry to the mailbox each day, super-excited to get a sample or something NOT a bill. :)

  2. I would love to send an encouraging card to Suzette, who fell and is recuperating.

  3. I would like to send a card to my former pastor.

  4. I think I would send a card to my Godson, his sister, and maybe his Mom and Dad. ;)

  5. I want to send a card to my nephew



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