Thursday, August 29, 2013

Early Morning View

Have you noticed the days getting shorter? And cooler nights? They've become apparent to me in the last couple weeks, and I have to admit I like them. More down time, more pleasant weather for exercise. We've also been experiencing lots of afternoon thunderstorms, monsoons. We've even had a little flash flooding, which is more typical of southern Utah and Arizona. The feel of fall is in the air.

The photo above is on my early morning bike ride. I have to squeeze it in from when it's light enough to before my husband leaves for work. That means I have long shadows and great light. This particular morning the clouds were already forming, letting us know we had a very high chance of rain for the day. The morning light bathes the ocean of sagebrush, the characteristic plant of the high desert.

I'm working on a long post, but it's taking awhile to find all the links I want, so it might be a couple days before I get up. So in the meantime, have a great day (or days)!

p.s. And don't forget to enter the Hallmark Card giveaway. You can enter with the Easy Entry every day!

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

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    Have a great time ahead....
    Deven Modi


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