Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Quick Visit to the County Fair

 This year we just had a quick visit to the county fair. With busy schedules and school, we didn't manage to enter anything, but we did want to go and check out a few things, like the animals.

We also wanted to support the cousins and friends who were showing animals. They have worked very hard over many months getting their animals ready for the fair. I'm glad my nephew found a bit of humor in showing his steer!

Of course it was fun to do some people-watching!

This steer was behaving quite well here. I love my niece's expression!

Cool matching boots and 4-H tie!

Desert Boy and Desert Girl weren't too patient with watching animals, so we wandered around the fairgrounds. This is a small fair (after all, we are in the desert, so the amount of arable land is quite limited). We found a fun activity at the Farm Bureau booth, playing games and then decorating a bag and hat:

Then it was time for Desert Boy to take on the climbing wall challenge. When he saw that, he decided that was the one thing at the fair he really, really wanted to do. (Although it took some consideration, as he wanted to volunteer to get dunked in the dunk tank.)

Desert Girl's big wishes for the fair were to see her friend Kate (which she did!) and to give Smokey Bear a hug. Well, when she saw Smokey Bear she got a little shy, but she did manage a high five.
Unfortunately I didn't manage a photo of Desert Girl's entire outfit for the day: her butterfly shirt, jeans, cowgirl boots, and a rhinestone-studded tutu, just because. That girl likes to accessorize!

It seemed like a lot of people were wandering around at the fair. We enjoyed looking at the exhibits and got some ideas for next year. Hopefully we'll be able to be a little more involved.

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