Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sunday Adventures

 On Sunday we decided to go for a quick paddle. We haven't been out in the kayaks for a long time, so it felt good to be back on the water. A slight wind was blowing, but we had a very short trip in mind.

 We wanted to go down a narrow inlet in the lake to the dam and back. Mostly protected, close to the shore, good wildlife sightings possible. We saw a bunch of Canada geese, but not much else!

 The storm clouds were brewing in the background, but we mostly ignored those at first.

 Desert Girl wasn't so sure about kayaking, especially when she got wet.

 That happened more and more as we turned around and paddled into the wind.

 We took a little stop to look for dead fish. Yep, it's a pretty exciting life we live!

 Then we switched partners, and Desert Boy came with me. Our dog Henry was on his own to do as he pleased. He was having a great day.

 When we entered the main part of the lake, the wind had whipped up white caps. It was a lot of fun riding up and down the waves and getting splashed. Plus a good arm workout!

 After showering and getting cleaned up, Desert Girl decided she wanted to fingerpaint. So I told her to put on a bathing suit and go outside. This was the result after a few minutes.

 She even managed to paint the chair, the door, the side of the house, her hair. Thank goodness these are washable fingerprints!

1 comment:

  1. Perfect! We have often discussed purchasing kayaks or a canoe. Since we purchased a small trailer to haul all our junk from job to job, we would even be able to take it with us. Something to ponder!!


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