Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Knowledge in the Wild

This is Desert Boy's masterpiece. He wants to have it published. Now it's published on this blog, complete with translations.
 "Nolij in the Wild" 
(Knowledge in the Wild)

 "Streems owees go bowne hil" 
(Streams always go down hill.)

 "I no that bees liv in a house that is cald a hive." 
(I know that bees live in a house that is called a hive.)

 "I no that cactis have spicse and flowrs."
(I know that cactus have spikes and flowers.)

 "I know the water sikol."
(I know the water cycle.)

"I know to not to go into abndin minse."
(I know to not to go into abandoned mines.)

It is a cool book. He still writes his books starting on what we would call the back cover and going in reverse order. Maybe someday he will excel at Hebrew, Arabic, or Farsi!


  1. Awesome!! He and AB would get along famously - she loves to make books :)

  2. My students have a difficult time getting water to flow downhill on a topo map. Good to see him ahead of the game already. :-)


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