Thursday, June 13, 2013

Snake Valley Festival

We're gearing up to attend the Snake Valley Festival this weekend. If you're in the area, you really should come, this festival exemplifies small town life. Plus, the proceeds go to a good cause, to help prevent the scarce groundwater from being sucked down to southern Nevada to water golf courses.

I dug out some photos from years past--they really show how much the kids have changed! The ice cream social kicks off the festival. What a great way to start the weekend on Friday evening! This year there will be some special musical talent, which I'm really looking forward to.

Then we'll change our venue, visit the wine tasting and get ready for the first ever Mr./Ms. Snake Valley Pageant. This pageant has several age categories and judges contestants on attire (formal and/or outdoor) and a one-minute talent that is not singing, dancing, or playing a musical instrument. I can't wait to see what everyone will do. The kids and I are going to participate and have been practicing our talents. We'll also be ready to dance to music by a live band.

On Saturday morning our plan is to check out the yard sale and then head to the community breakfast. It is delicious! Then we should have time to look at some of the booths. We might not have time to see them all, because the kids want to be in the parade, so we'll go line up.

 These same bikes will be in the parade, but with different riders! We've fastened a container on the front so Desert Girl can throw--or catch--candy.

The parade is always awesome, with some unexpected entries.

 Then it's time to check out the rest of the booths and the silent auction and for the kids to play games. Or just look super cute, like Desert Girl above. This year there will also be a solar telescope to check out.

After yummy lunch, it's time for entertainment. This year I've pulled out my trumpet and will play a couple songs.

 I don't think I will look as dreamy as Dan!

After the silent auction closes, it's time for the huge water fight in the playground.

Then we have a brief respite before heading out for the delicious BBQ dinner, auction, and announcement of the road art contest winners.

 Jace--wish you could be with us this year!


We usually go to bed exhausted Saturday after the auction, but for those with energy, there's the Great Basin National Park astronomy program.

Sunday morning we wake up early for the 5k/10k Snake Valley Slither trail run/walk. Last year I managed the 10k, but this year it will just be the 5k for me. Afterwards is a bake sale so you can take home some memories of the great weekend.
The Snake Valley Festival is held the third weekend of June in Baker, Nevada, so if you can't make it this year, mark your calendars for next year.

1 comment:

  1. I had to laugh at how small all the kids looked just one year ago!
    Thanks for posting. Can't wait!


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