Thursday, June 20, 2013

Blossoms and Berries

 Our yard is bursting with colors and smells. It's obvious that it's summertime! The catalpa flowers (above) smell so good.

 My native flower garden has coneflowers just starting to bloom. The flax and Indian paintbrush are mostly done.

 The Palmer's penstemon is just gorgeous. It looks like such a complicated flower, with its inner parts and outer parts and different colors.

 The big winds we've had recently have knocked some of the apricots off the tree. We feel very lucky to have apricots--we've had a number of years with no or few apricots. This year should be a good crop, and I'm ready to make some jam.

 I have a few evening primroses in the garden. The garden is doing much better than last year, thanks to the drip irrigation system I installed. It's not pretty, but it (mostly) gets the job done. Now I just have to deal with trees that have gotten too big too fast and are shading the garden a little too much!

 We have a couple different kinds of currant in the yard, almost ripe. We have so many this year that maybe we'll even get a few instead of them all going to the birds!

And last but not least is the mulberry tree down at the end of the fence. I had totally forgotten about it, so now that I'm writing about it, I hope I will remember it! The berries remind me of finding them as a child. Yum!

What blossoms and berries do you have in your yard?


  1. We don't have much of a garden, but the hill in our yard grows pretty wild. It's a bit early for lots of wildflowers here (Ontario) but we've got a bunch of canada anemone, birdsfoot trefoil a few columbine making things pretty out there. In the woods the trilliums are just finishing up - they blanket the woodlands in some places!

  2. I can picture your sweet colorful blooming garden from all these lovely photos, and you even have berries. Did you plant them all yourself?


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