Tuesday, May 14, 2013

First Harvest

Last night I asked the kids if they would like to go out to the garden with me to plant some beans. They said no, planting beans didn't sound fun. Desert Boy asked if there would be anything to eat. I said yes, not really thinking of what he could eat, but hoping to lure him out anyway.

When we got out to the garden, I noticed that the heat we've been having has made the garden flourish. Tiny cilantro poked out of the ground, and Desert Boy happily ate some of that. Then we found some baby spinach tucked in with the lettuce, and they each tried a leaf and then wanted more. Oh, to have the kids actually ask for spinach, especially after they had refused to eat it at dinner!

 I saw tiny broccoli heads peeking out of the leaves. I'm so excited that we'll have a real broccoli crop this year.

The peas are starting to flower. I let the kids each plant their own square (we do square foot gardening), and we'll see what grows there. I was a bit distracted trying to plant those beans, so I'm not sure what they planted. Maybe it's best that way!

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