Friday, March 15, 2013

Top 25 Outdoorsy Moms Blog - 2013

Thanks to a link on Facebook, I went to a website where I saw a little badge that said "Top 25 Outdoorsy Moms Blog 2012." That intrigued me. I had never put a label of Outdoorsy Mom to myself, but I guess that's what I am. I looked at the list and found some fascinating blogs.

Then I found that the competition for 2013 is open. The contest is simple: whoever has the most votes wins. You can vote once a day until March 27. So if you enjoy reading Desert Survivor and think it should be one of the Top 25 Outdoorsy Moms Blogs for 2013, click on the link below, scroll way down the list (I was the last one on it earlier yesterday), and give a quick click to vote. That's all, it's quick and easy.

Thank you!

p.s. I've put the link on the sidebar so you'll see it each time you visit. Remember, you can vote once a day till March 27!

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Hi, I love to read your comments! I've recently decided to turn off word verification to make it easier to leave comments, but in doing so, I'm only accepting registered users to avoid spam. You can also leave comments on the Desert Survivor Facebook page. Thanks!