Monday, March 11, 2013

Ski Lessons

Desert Girl went for her first ski lesson last weekend, at Brian Head Resort near Parowan, Utah. We were trying to hide from her so she wouldn't spot us and want to come over to us. She and an older girl were with an instructor. They were on an itsy bitsy hill. The instructor didn't even bother to wear skis.

The instructor report was that she did everything well until she got to the sliding part. Yep. That sliding just didn't go so well. I guess it will be awhile before she's a ski aficionado. Desert Girl told me that she didn't want to go back to ski school because the sliding was scary. I asked her if she would go back if her friend Isaac went with her. That generated an immediate yes!

Desert Boy did much better. He took his second lesson (his first was last year). This time he learned how to stop (sometimes) and to turn. After his lesson, he was thrilled to take us on a tour of the dinosaur trail, a narrower trail with dinosaur cutouts (smart thinking, Brian Head!). Then he wanted to go to the terrain park. He did some mini-jumps, but not the mountain high one (hey, I didn't do that one either!  it was about a foot high).

The weather was good till the last hour, when the light went flat and it started snowing. My husband and I spent most of our time over on the harder mountain. I definitely found some runs that were a little too challenging for me. I also had a great time learning to go through the trees. I've been skiing a few times this winter, but am taking baby steps trying to improve--I really don't want to get hurt! My husband makes it all look easy. 

Here's a quick video of Desert Boy getting off the ski lift, which I think can sometimes be the most challenging part: 

Then came Desert Girl's favorite part of the day: a chocolatey snack.

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