Friday, March 22, 2013

Foot Frenzy

There comes a time,when a desert survivor looks for a little culture...

...a place to learn something new...

...a challenge that will help focus the mind...

...a group of wonderful women with whom to share some time...

...and that is called tap class!

Once a week we gather to click our heels and tap our toes, and it is a real treat.

We are preparing for a performance to the tune of Footloose. Here are the first four seconds. It just keeps getting better after that!

"I grew up with six brothers. That's how I learned to dance - waiting for the bathroom." -Bob Hope.


  1. Gretchen,

    I'm really enjoying your blog. Your kids are beautiful, and I especially like the views into life in rural E NV... sigh...


  2. Thanks, Tara. It certainly is a lifestyle and place I never imagined when I was growing up in the Midwest, but it suits us well.


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