Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Welcome, Snow!

Sorry for the long hiatus. We went on vacation, and preparations sort of took over my life for the week before the trip, then we were gone for about a week, and now I'm starting to catch up. Just in time for the first major snowstorm of the year! While I was at work today, the vehicles out in the parking lot got dumped on. In fact, it was snowing more than 2 inches an hour at some points during the day.

This all means one thing: SLEDDING! We will be sure to have a sledding adventure soon. I think I might be almost as excited as the kids.

This was the view on my commute home. The snowplows never even reached the state highways near us, not even by 1 pm. I guess the mountain passes on the US highway must have been really bad. Fortunately the snow was light and fluffy, so I was able to plow the van through it. We postponed the Christmas Bird Count till tomorrow. Hopefully we'll be able to see a lot more birds then!
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