Sunday, December 30, 2012

A Quick Review of 2012

It seems like I'm rushing from one thing to another these days, and it's hard to find the time to reflect on what's happened. The end of 2012 is almost here, and the end of the year is a traditional time to do that review. But instead of taking the time to do my own review, here's Facebook's review of the year for me. (If you have a Facebook account, go to your page and you should have the option to review yours.) Oh my,  I know, this says something (or quite a few things) about me!

Here goes anyway:

February: Wild Goose Chase (coming up on February 23 this next year!)

May: My book is out! Words cannot express how I feel.
(See my book website to learn more!)

June: High School Reunion. Such fun reminiscing! Love y'all!

June: Snake Valley Festival

August: Desert Boy starts kindergarten. Wow, a whole other chapter is opening in our lives. His favorite subject? Recess.

August: Another monsoon in a wet late summer. It didn't quite make up for no precipitation in June, but at least it helped.

September: Snake Valley Days BBQ (and the watermelon-eating contest)

September: Wheel-a-thon Fundraiser for the local schools (and a good way to get a little exercise)

September: Ely Half-Marathon--I finished, woohoo!

September: Camping trip with marvelous fall colors

September: Some funky weather

October: Desert Girl enjoying preschool

The other day we had a heavy package at the door. Desert Boy told me, "I'll get it, Mom." I had my hands full but thought it was too heavy for him, so told him to wait a few minutes. He disappeared into the house, came back, and next thing I knew, had wrestled the heavy package into the house. "How did you do that?" I asked him in surprise. He answered, "I went and lifted some weights (dumbbells) in the living room to get stronger, and then I could get the package in the house."

I think I might have to try out his exercise program!

I didn't post everything that happened in my life to Facebook, so important things are missing, but it's fun to remember these moments--many I had forgotten. Every year I print out a book of my blog for the year (I like That's one of the main reasons I keep up a blog, along with keeping family and friends up-to-date with what we're doing.

We hope you have had a good 2012 and that 2013 will be even better. I'm already thinking about New Year's resolutions. I usually don't do those, but this next year I do have some changes I'd like to make in my life. I'll post them soon so you can help keep me accountable!


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