Monday, November 19, 2012


Howdy! I sure have gotten a little behind on blogging. My goal is to get in three posts a week, but it's been almost a week since I've last posted! I feel like the ancient bristlecone above--reaching out in lots of directions and without any extra energy. Winter is supposed to be the quiet time, right? I'm still waiting!

I have to admit, I haven't been blogging not because I've been away from the computer. I've been on the computer quite a bit. Writing, organizing photos for a photo book, and dare I say it, shopping. Yep, I'm addicted to Internet shopping. I keep telling myself that if I lived in the city, I would be spending more on impulse shopping. Of course, it's fairly easy to cover a lot of virtual world in a short amount of time! Needless to say, I think we might get our Christmas shopping done early this year. Sometime soon I will try to tear myself away from the deals and post more photos. But right now, I better go check for that next deal...


  1. Back in the day my grandparents did all their shopping by Montgomery Ward's catalog, lol. They only got into Ely about once a month. Of course there was a general store in Baker than and another in Garrison (owned by one of my grandfather's brothers).

    So things aren't so very different now.

  2. Hooray for airport wifi! I'm amazed at what all you accomplish. Your Moab trip looked fantastic! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.


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