Saturday, September 1, 2012

School Photos

 We had school photos this week. It was Desert Girl's second year going--it's such an effort to get to a professional photographer, so I am grateful to get her photo done as a preschooler! I asked Carmela to come and help do her hair. I wanted a really simple style, and Carmela can do anything with Desert Girl's hair.

 We were the first ones there, so I had the kids pose while I took some photos of them out on the lawn.

 They are such cuties! (Naw, I couldn't be biased at all :)

 When I asked them to hold hands, they goofed around a bit.

 Some of Desert Boy's friends arrived, and that meant it was time to play.

 The kids ran and ran. They have so much energy. Every day Desert Boy says he wishes he had more time to play.

 Once inside the gym, we found the photographer still had a couple things to do. So I asked the teacher if we could get a group shot.

 Here's the K-1-2 class. And most are looking at the camera, which I think is pretty remarkable! The school is mostly boys, which is funny because the 3-6 is mostly girls, as is the preschool.

 We just had a few preschoolers show up, but they wanted their own photo.

Desert Girl had her photo taken in front of the screen, and then we asked the photographer if he would take shots of both kids together. He said yes, which made me very happy. While he took his photos, I couldn't resist snapping a few, too.
We had some funny ones, but I did get one I liked quite a bit. Hopefully the official ones turn out well, too.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, those are ADORABLE photos! My...did I read that right? There's a k-1-2 class? Oh, gosh....I taught a 2/3 combo class last year, but I had 30 kiddos! It was VERY difficult!


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