Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bountiful Garden

 Our garden has been rather pitiful this year due to deer, insects, and much more, hence I haven't shared it on this blog. Fortunately, some friends at Home Farm have had a bountiful garden this year, with more than they can use. Today Desert Girl and I went and visited their garden, which Desert Girl called the jungle.

 Jane helped Desert Girl pull up carrots. They were beautiful carrots, big and so orange.

 Desert Girl looks like she can't quite believe that under all that greenery, deep in the ground, the carrot was growing! Her expressions during the visit were hilarious, as you will see.

 Now Desert Girl is helping Laurie. It's hard work pulling up those carrots!

 Laurie had washed one carrot off and was eating it, but Desert Girl doesn't look like she quite believes that you can eat that orange thing right out of the ground!

 Next it was on to cherry tomatoes. Usually Desert Girl doesn't like tomatoes, so I wasn't expecting her to say that she wanted to give one a try. But she was feeling adventurous, and she said, yes, she would try one.

 Jane and Desert Girl try them at the same time.

 Hmmm...maybe not quite what she was expecting!

 I wish I knew what she was thinking here!

 With a half-eaten carrot still in hand, Desert Girl followed Jane to the broccoli. Desert Girl loves broccoli, and she turned out to be very good at spotting it. She wasn't too thrilled eating it raw. But we ate some cooked broccoli tonight--so delicious!

 They still had beets left, so Desert Girl helped pull up some of them, along with a few onions. I think she was surprised at all the varieties of food in the ground.

Swiss chard. Desert Girl is having her horizons expanded! She had such a fun time at the garden and with Jane. Thanks so much! We really appreciate Home Farm's generosity and feel blessed to be able to partake of such well-tended produce. We all ate carrots as a snack this afternoon. Yum!


  1. I like the expressions on your daughter's face. So cute, as she discovers those veggies!

  2. Vol Fan grew the prettiest fullest stand of grass in his garden that I have ever seen! Pita loves cherry tomatoes - even asked for them for her birthday one year. Best present I ever gave her was 2 'Sweet 100' plants :)

  3. They always have a great garden at the School of Natural Order!


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