Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day 5 - Grand Tetons

 Desert Girl loved camping, especially since that meant she could make lots of messes (note that she is holding the milk bottle upside down!).

 Desert Boy needed some extra rest--note all the dirt on his face. We didn't quite see all that when we went to bed the night before!

 I figured the Grand Tetons would be kind of a rest day for the kids and me, and the kids agreed thoroughly. They didn't really want to hike. So my brother Ed found a good place to go hiking up into the high country for a couple hours, and we hung out near the trail head.

 I convinced the kids a little hiking might be okay, and we went a half-mile at a very slow place. Walking sticks were an important component of the hike.

 Going so slow gave us time to savor the little things, like this beautiful butterfly.

 I also took plenty of photos. (Yep, we finally did get him cleaned up!)

 And then we found the perfect beach for a little skinnydipping. The kids were ecstatic. They threw sticks into the water and then went and got them. It was a good thing we didn't have our dog Henry with us!

 On the way back, Desert Girl was in her jumping mode. She jumped more than she walked.

 I kept forgetting to take videos, but this still shows her in action.

 Sometimes the jumps don't go exactly as planned.

 We ended up with a little extra time, so my brother and I took turns riding a bike down the really nice bike trail from South Jenny Lake.

 When we got to the new visitor center (as of 2007), we looked at some of the exhibits. I'm not sure if the exhibit designers realized they were modeling some behavior.
 I must say that the kids understand teamwork!

 Desert Boy had been working on his junior ranger badge and he took the junior range pledge at the visitor center.

Then it was time to head to the surprisingly busy Jackson Hole airport to pick up my husband, who flew in to join us for the last few days of the vacation.

It was good to catch up with drinks and pizza and fantastic views of the Tetons.


  1. Looks like you had a great time on your trip. The Tetons are my favorite mountains!

  2. Such fantastic scenery! And a full 'moon'! Haha!

    I must say that I love Desert Girl's hat!

  3. I just love the Jr. Ranger program. Such a great way to get kids actively involved in the visit!


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