Monday, July 9, 2012

Day 3 - More Yellowstone

 Later in the afternoon we encountered a bear jam--a traffic jam caused by folks who wanted to see a bear.

My brother Ed took the wheel so I could hop out and see the bear.
 A grizzly was lunching nearby.

 We later encountered another bear jam. I wondered how fast the bicyclist could leave the scene if the mama grizzly got mad at him and charged.

We were hungry so we stopped at a picnic area and made dinner. We had the picnic area to ourselves. If you're ever in Yellowstone and everything seems crowded, try a picnic area. It might just be a quiet spot.

 From there we headed to Norris Geyser Basin, the hottest one in the park. I love it; it seems so otherworldly. The evening light made the Porcelain Basin seem even starker.

 The kids did awesome walking the boardwalk. I think Desert Boy walked about five miles that day between the bear hike and the geyser basin.

 The kids saw their first geyser--Constant Geyser. They didn't know what to think.

 Desert Boy was very curious about all the dead trees.

 It was really nice having my brother along, and the kids appreciated having their uncle joking with them.

Ah, this was the quintessential Yellowstone day: wildlife, traffic jams, geysers, and a feeling of serenity.

1 comment:

  1. Desert Boy and Desert Girl are such troopers! I admit I'm curious about the dead trees too.


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