Friday, June 22, 2012

More Snake Valley Festival Photos

I was going to separate out the different events of the Snake Valley Festival, but that might take me forever to get posted, and I already have other things I need to catch up on posting. Instead, you can see some photos at the Festival website. But I can't just leave it at that. Here are some (okay, A LOT of ) different ones that are also a lot of fun. If you missed the festival this year, be sure to save the third weekend in June for 2013 and come out and have some fun!

 A yard sale!! That's reason enough for big excitement out here. This one is name-your-own-price.

 Jenna was sent out to round up some more business.

 We took a few plants home with us. And a few books.

 The kids got new water bottles and then we filled them with delicious lavender lemonade. The water bottles are only $3 from the Western National Parks Association bookstores.

 The parade entries were diverse and creative.

 Lots had a water theme, as the proceeds from the festival support the Great Basin Water Network.

 This Waterloo Boy was so cool! They brought it down from Gandy to show, and I'm so glad they did!

 We had a special appearance in the parade.

 The Garrison Fire Department showered the willing crowd.

 Brandon did a good job walking.

 The NCC Crew had a lot of energy, even after working on trails all week!

 As I was walking down the street I finally found the kids.

 They were hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa.

 Watch out King Kong, looks like you might get squeezed!

 I guess King Kong survived, because now it looks like he's going to get the trumpet player. Watch out!

 No Snake Valley parade is complete unless it has some farm equipment.

 I found the kids trying to talk Grandpa out of some money at the Carnival booths.
 Looks like they succeeded!

 Here's Desert Boy climbing up past T. Rex to King Kong.

 Then it was on to some painting. Kids love to paint!

 Somehow they managed to stay clean. I'm really not sure how.

These are some of the beautiful gourds they painted.

 They also played some games.

 Carol chatting with Mike Prince, a cowboy poet who provided some entertainment during the Festival.


 Lots of people browsed the silent auction.
 Then it was time for the water fight.
 Ava was drenched. So was everyone. Anyone who ventured onto the playing field got soaked.
It felt good.

 Desert Girl's first experience with cotton candy. She couldn't finish it all.

 More King Kong slide!
 Then it was time for a delicious dinner at the Border Inn.

 Isaac and Desert Girl hung out.
 Isaac really wanted Desert Girl's sucker and she wasn't willing to share. I love their expressions!
 The auction came next, and you-know-who was in attendance.

 There were some humorous moments during the auction.

 Then it was back to the Carnival. I don't think I can express adequately how much fun it was.

 Isaac was tuckered out.

 The ladder was a huge hit, and everyone in our family did it. Here's my husband.

 Desert Boy made it to the top.

 Desert Girl did quite well and wanted to make sure everyone was watching.

 My husband and Desert Boy on the Scrambler. I rode it once and decided it had scrambled me sufficiently.

 Desert Girl went back to the ladder and ended up with some really static-y hair.

 The next morning we dragged ourselves out of bed to go run a race. At least I was planning to run, with my husband and the kids as cheerleaders.

 Helpers. Thank you!

 Beautiful sisters.

 Brandi and Ben. Brandi ran a really awesome race!

 And we're off!
 I quickly took my place at the back of the pack.

 Getting some water before I do the second loop to complete the 10k. I wasn't real fast, but I did it!

What a fun weekend! And if you made it all the way through this post, congratulations. Now take a well-earned break!

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