Monday, June 18, 2012

Friday Night Carnival and Ice Cream Tasting

Friday evening we went over to the Community Center for the ice cream social. The ice cream was delicious, and it was fun visiting with folks. I imagine that before TV, Internet, Xbox and all the other newfangled technology, there was a lot more of the getting together and visiting. Although it would have been a little harder to make ice cream back then!

We had four flavors to choose from. Yum!
Then it was back to the Carnival. We had a small carnival come to town for the weekend. It was the first time we've ever had a carnival here, and it sure was memorable! I saw so many smiles. And I don't think the Scrambler scrambled too many people too badly!

Audrey and Victoria
I love Breanna's expression! Behind them was an assortment of little games, giving it more of a carnival feeling.

Here's another view. I think we ended up with a stuffed animal and some little prizes and a toy. Not too much, but enough to have the experience.

Desert Girl loved riding the turtles. It went around and around and around, and she never wanted to get off.

She did get off eventually and tried out the obstacle course.

Then back to the turtles with some neighbors.

More smiles on the Scrambler!

The person on the outside really got squished,and it looks like Breanna is trying to do some extra squishing!

I think they're having a good time!

The carnival also had a roller coaster. Wow! A roller coaster in town!

Desert Boy was scared the first time around, then he started smiling.

It was small, but it was fun!

Desert Boy went on the Scrambler, but I couldn't work up the nerve.

Ava and work colleagues went on the Scrambler, but I still couldn't work up the nerve. I remembered riding the Scrambler at the county fair when I was about ten. I was fine, but my aunt had to find a garbage can right afterwards. I was afraid that I would have a similar outcome.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed seeing all the lights and hearing the happy sounds.

Finally it was time to go home, and Desert Girl was not at all happy.
Fortunately, we would get to go back the next day.

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