Sunday, June 3, 2012

Camping to Escape the Heat

 It's gotten hot here, so yesterday Desert Boy talked us into going camping up high in the mountains. We packed in the afternoon and managed to pull away close to 6 p.m. (Yep, one-day weekends for my husband make camping a little (or maybe a lot) trickier.) I could have left earlier, but after having to do all the packing and setting up the last couple of times, I decided this time we would wait and let him have some of that fun.

We brought coats, which was a good thing, as it was chilly. Hurray!

 Desert Boy was delighted. Before long it was dark. My husband was tired so he went to bed and I took the kids for an adventure walk in the woods with flashlights. The nearly full moon added a lot of extra light, and we had a fun time winding our way in and out of the trees.

 The next morning I awoke early and took our dog for a leash and then went back to sleep. We all slept in, which was really nice.

 Then it was breakfast time. My husband cooked, so that was great!

Next we decided to pack up camp and go for a hike before descending down to the heat.

 Desert Boy was eager to get ahead and started off being a train (wearing an appropriately-themed shirt).

 Desert Girl did quite a bit of hiking. We're trying to toughen her up (so we don't have to carry her so much), and she walked about 1.5 miles on this trip.

 The kids were delighted to have Daddy on the trip.

They were even more delighted to find some snow and have a snowball fight!

There are more photos, but I'm worn out, so they will have to wait for another day!
Hope you've had a good weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, I love the picture of Emma where she has that little smirk/grimace, she looks exactly like her brother!


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