Monday, May 14, 2012

Moving Cows

 On the way back from Cedar City, I saw something up ahead. As we got closer, I could see horses, trucks, 4-wheelers, cows, and dust. They were moving some cows.

 It looked like the cows weren't the only thing on the move--a flock of birds flew alongside some of them.

 The cows were strung out for miles, cows and calves plodding along towards their summer pasture.

 Most of the time they were single file, with fabulous mountain scenery in the background.

 Isn't that great geology? Or are you looking at the cows?

 A Red Angus is daring to mix in with the Black Angus.

We rounded the corner and the cows were a little bunched up. But then they figured it out and continued as far as the eye could see. When I see cows like that, I feel like I'm in an old Western movie.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice geology indeed. What cows? I didn't see any cows.


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