Sunday, April 1, 2012

Last Hike in March - Part Two

After our foray into the stream gorge, we headed across the road and started climbing some rocks. Desert Boy pointed to a nearby hill and declared that he wanted to climb it. We agreed. The hill looked doable, but still a bit high for small legs. Desert Girl got to ride on my back, but the boys were on their own.
Evan found some rock climbing opportunities.

It was windy, but the wind was at our backs, so that helped a lot. The idea of a snack once they got to the top also helped.

At the summit, Anna found some small rodent bones. The kids were excited.

The views were really nice.

This photo is for G. Robison--recognize the trees in the right side of the photo?
For everyone else, this is an old homestead that has a beautiful location, with views of the mountains on both sides, two streams coming together and flowing by the property, great night skies, and plenty of peace and quiet.

This is the view from our hill looking southeast. I like how the stream meanders.
Those unfortunate big poles are from the Intermountain Power Project. A coal-fired power plant north of Delta, Utah provides power for Los Angeles. The poles happen to cross some really pretty places.

Looking north, we can see the kids back on top, with higher mountains in the background. Since we're looking at the south-facing slopes, we don't see too much snow.

The kids took a break out of the wind and goofed off. They know how to do that well.

Then it was time to head down. We decided to take a slightly different route back to the van.

Oops, one more photo of the great views (this time to the southwest).

Now it's time to head down. When we go past this hill, we can remember the fun hike on the windy day. We're glad Anna and Evan were able to join us for an adventure.

And so concludes March. Here's hoping that April brings many good things!


  1. Those look like such fun outtings and the views are gorgeous! ^^ Love your blog! It is almost as good as going on a hike myself; better in some ways. I do not feel like I will melt into a puddle from the effort this way. *laugh* Seriously, love your photographs and the things you and your family are looking at. I would look for the same kinds of things on a hike! :)

  2. OMG I am so "homesick" (if one can be such for a place they never actually lived)!! In the background of pics 5 and 6 I see the highway maintenance station up Strawberry where my Uncle Daw lived and worked for decades. The old Bryan and Chloe Robison home isn't that place you point out (they had the last place to the east where Weaver Creek draniage finally peters out and Substation Road curves to the SE) but it is one of the other Robison homesteads. George and Emma (my great-grandparents) had the one at the "Y". Their sons were scattered all up and down Weaver Creek. I'm gonna cry. I so miss Snake Valley. Thank you for the pics!!

  3. I like how in the next to last pic you can see in the lower right the "old road" which was how you got to Ely before the paved highway was put in. It's probably not very driveable anymore. It's on the north side of the creek. I think we explored it up to near Sacramento Pass back in the 70's, looking for good bottle digs and rummaging around.

  4. In my point of view You sure did put a new twist on something that Ive heard so much about. And How did you manage to make a blog that as smart as it is sleek?

  5. That surely does not look like Weston Cemetery where I walk. What a treat to see the vastness of your world. Thank you. The children are a delightful addition always.


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