Thursday, April 12, 2012


The clouds have been great lately, huge and puffy, with various rainshowers gently touching the land. It doesn't seem like we've gotten much rain, but there's always rain somewhere. It helps that we can easily see about 40 miles to the mountains on the other side of the valley, and even more than that when we look north, where the valley slopes down.

I couldn't resist playing with some of the new photo effects on Picasa. This is cross process.

Here's Holga-ish.

This is museum matte.

Here's Lomo-ish.

And here's my dear babysitter, making the kids not want to come home!

But then we had a grand afternoon adventure, which hopefully I'll get to post about tomorrow.


  1. Nice photos! Ever do any darkroom work making black and white prints? I did it a long time ago and it's becoming a lost art.

  2. I never have had the opportunity to work in a darkroom. I think it would be a lot of fun!

  3. I like the new added features to picasa - it's fun to play around with :)


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