Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Desert Boy's First Skiing Adventure

 Last weekend I found myself dangling in the air. Fortunately I was sitting on a seat, in a chair, on a ski lift. It's been about six years since I've been on a ski lift, and it was fun to get back.

 We went to Brian Head, Utah. Even though it was a Sunday, we had the slopes mostly to ourselves. My husband said when he used to go as a teenager, there were ten times as many people there. We spent a fair bit of time on the lift discussing why people might not ski anymore (and feel free to leave a comment so we can see if we were right!)

 The views were outstanding, much better than my husband's point-and-shoot reveal. The weather was great--it actually felt a little too warm in the afternoon.

 The main reason we went was to get Desert Boy skiing. I wanted to take him last year to the three-year old class, but we never made it. So this year I was determined that we would find a day to go. He was in the Tiny Tracks class for 4- and 5-year olds. There were four kids in the class and two very patient instructors (although Desert Boy later said he thought they were bossy-ha!).

 I tried to spy on the class a little without Desert Boy knowing I was there (he's on the far left). The little skis were adorable. The kids were learning how to make their skis into pizza wedges or french fries.

 We bought new sunglasses for both the kids, and Desert Girl was really styling with hers. She wouldn't let us touch them at all. She knew how to put them on. Obviously.

 After lunch we spied on the class again and saw Desert Boy falling down numerous times on a tiny little hill that we wouldn't really have even called a hill. Uh oh. Maybe this wasn't money well spent.

My husband and I left and skied awhile and then came back to the beginner hill. We were riding up the lift when I spotted some little tykes. I looked hard, and sure enough, that was Desert Boy and his class!
 That meant they had taken the ski lift and were going down the "big" hill. I was so excited to see this progress.

 The kids snowplowed down the whole way. It was really cute.

 We picked up Desert Girl from the day care and my husband and I took turns watching her.
 She was thinking she wanted to give skiing a try!

 Maybe next year, Desert Girl!

Desert Boy thought it was great fun taking turns going up the ski lift with his parents and skiing down. We were delighted with how much he had learned in his first day of skiing. When I asked him if he liked his ski lesson, he said, "I didn't like it; I loved it!"

Here are a couple videos:


  1. I can't even imagine kids that age being able to ski..looks like he did a great job.

  2. That looked like so much fun! Now I really want to go! lol I was expecting there to be a lot of people! Obviously I was wrong. Matthew did such a great job!

  3. It's because you went on Sunday ;) That's the best day to ski in Utah! Brianhead does a great job with the ski classes for kids!

  4. That looked like sooo much fun!!! We'll have to find some other adventure sports to introduce DB and DG to!

  5. Desert Girl looks sharp and Desert Boy gets an A for avoiding all of those obstacles at the end of his run - perhaps the next Phil Maier!


  6. Way to go, Desert Boy!


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