Thursday, March 29, 2012

Apricot Blossoms

 We have a couple apricot trees just covered with blossoms. They are beautiful and smell so good.

We'll have to see  if they survive the predicted snowstorm this weekend. The last two years we've lost most of the apricots due to early freezes. It sure would be nice to get some apricots this year!


  1. Our apricot tree is past the blossom stage and is now FULL of pea-sized little fruits. Same for our plum trees. Our peach tree is a little behind, it is just now transitioning from blossoms to fruit.

    Hope the snow storm doesn't destroy your apricot crop!

  2. Would tying trash bags over your branches to protect them from the frost help? You would still lose a lot of buds that way, but not all of them...maybe?

  3. I am tempted to try the trash bags. We'll keep an eye on the seems like wind is a certainty, but the temperature and precipitation forecasts keep changing!


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