Sunday, February 5, 2012

Camera Fun

I have like a zillion (or maybe a zillion and one) photos to sort through, but I'm just not feeling up to that right now. So here's a quick post. I want your opinion.

I headed out with my husband and the kids today to do some irrigating. If you're not the one doing the irrigating, it's not so exciting (unless you're my son who thinks it's a real treat to dig with a shovel or my daughter who manages to fall into the channel--I will try to tell that story soon).

I took my camera to test it out and learn more about. Specifically, I tried using my fish-eye lens (0.20x) some more.
This is the fish-eye view.

This is the non fish-eye view.

Which do you like better? (And for bonus points, why?)


  1. I like the non-fish eye photo better, but it's merely a personal preference. I generally don't like how the fish eye distorts the photos. (Even though that's the point)☺

  2. The fish eye view is more artsy, shows more clouds.

    Hey, one of my favorite pastimes as a kid when visiting Baker was hanging out with my uncle when he was irrigating my grandparents' pasture on their ranch up by the Y. He'd spade up a chunk of dirt and open up a ditch, and I'd watch the water trickle over the dry spots, then he'd plug up the hole and move on to another spot. I found it endlessly fascinating.

    Simple pleasures for simple minds.....

  3. I love how close the fisheye pulls things in:)

  4. Very difficult choice. They are both great in their own merit. I have to look at it from the artist side of me. The non-fish would be easier to paint, but fish view would make an excellent cover for a book. They're both great!

  5. I like the fish-eye view in this case, maybe looks more dramatic. It looks like it could be fun to play with.


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