Thursday, January 26, 2012

Park Discovery

When we went to Cedar City last week, Jenny and I decided to take the kids to a park I had read about but had never visited, up on the hill above Walmart and across the street from the Aquatic Center.
It turned out to be a really cool looking park, and we hurried to enter.
No one else was there on that January day at lunchtime.
I can imagine that it gets quite busy during the warmer months of the year!
All the kids liked the series of steps and buildings to run through.
Ava balanced well on a mushroom--at least that's what I think it was!
Although Desert Girl was first to go over the suspension bridge, the bigger kids couldn't wait.
And away they go!
I kept trying to get photos of the kids, but they were moving fast! Desert Boy and Ava paused for just a moment.
Then Desert Girl had to take a turn!
They even had a bouldering wall. It's extra challenging in cowboy boots!
The park opened in 2001, so we were surprised we hadn't ever heard of it before. Now that we know it exists, we will certainly be back! For directions on how to get there, click here.


  1. It's about time I got my butt in gear for O-Chem. I meant to spend ten hours a week studying for the class. I've been so busy that I've probably done about.

  2. Please continue to make the children the stars of the blog. Another wonderful adventure shown here.


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