Saturday, December 3, 2011

Grandparent Fun

 We were lucky to have a set of grandparents stay with us over Thanksgiving weekend. The kids soaked up the extra attention and a good time was had by all. I didn't manage to get many photos except for a walk to the playground. Desert Boy was learning how to walk the dog and thought he was pretty big stuff when he had the leash!

 Desert Girl is walking more, and it was extra fun walking with Grandpa.
 Such great smiles at the swingset!
 It was a chilly day, as you can see by the coats, but it wasn't windy, so it was quite comfortable to be outside.
 Desert Boy was eager to be photographer (one of his many career ambitions), so we let him take a photo. He did pretty well. I like to give him the camera from time to time because his perspective is a bit different (shorter) than mine.
 Then it was time to get the grandparents and grandchildren together. The lack of both my kids looking towards the camera with smiles at the same time is a common theme. Our Christmas photo documents that. Oh well!
 We had lots of fun climbing all over the playground.
 Then it was time to go home and Desert Girl was motivated to walk when she got to hold the leash.
Desert Boy had to show off a little and climb a tree--or at least the bottom of the tree!

It was a fun, relaxing weekend with great company and great food. I'm definitely liking laid-back holidays.


  1. Looks like a fun visit! Time with grandparents is so very special.

  2. Hi! May I have your permission to use your photo to advocate Grandparenting and bonding kids with pets please?

  3. Anything, email me at desertsurvivor @ and let me know what you want to use the photo for.


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