Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Clark Planetarium

 On Saturday night we went to the Clark Planetarium in Salt Lake City. It's a free museum that also has lots of movies that you can pay to see. They also have a really cool gift shop where we found some fun things. In the photo above, Desert Boy tries to influence the cloud-making machine.

 Desert Girl and Uncle Ed checked out the giant pendulum.
 Then the kids went for a ride above earth to see what the Hubble telescope was up to.
 Desert Girl made it to Mars and can apparently withstand its atmosphere without any protective equipment.
 Desert Boy went for a Martian walk. He, too, has special powers.
On the way back, they detoured to the moon and tested the gravitational pull.
It was fun looking at the exhibits, even if it was a whirlwind tour due to some very short attention spans. 

Afterwards we checked out the Christmas lights in the Gateway Center. We were fascinated by a fountain. During the summer it would be a wonderful place to cool off. In the winter it looked cold. But my husband found a way to walk through without getting (too) wet, so he and Desert Boy took a walk on the wild side.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a wonderful place! I just love hands-on museums like that:)


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