Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Lights

 With Desert Girl getting extremely excited over Christmas lights, we decided we would visit downtown Salt Lake City at night. She said, "Whoa!" every time we saw cool lights. Soon she sounded like a train, "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!" It made us laugh.

 I liked this fountain, it made me think of aliens--or amoebas--emerging and doing a little water dance.

 We were surprised how many people were wandering around Temple Square on a Sunday evening. The light displays were terrific. When I looked at this photo, I noticed that there were even more lights (from building tops and high windows) illuminating the scene.

 But then we had to take a detour. Desert Boy's biggest wish wasn't to see Christmas lights, but to ride the Trax train. So we walked down a block to the station and waited for the train.

 He can't wait to get on!

 Here it comes, the big moment!

 We rode down a couple stops, got off, then got on a returning train. That counted as a train adventure, and Desert Boy was happy. I think I've only been on the Trax trains once or twice before, and again I was impressed with their cleanliness.

Then it was back to Temple Square to look at some more lights. Uncle Ed's friend Nick told us about the Nativity scenes, so we went over to take a look.

 The Nativity scenes were so interesting, representing different cultures. I didn't see signs saying what cultures, so we just guessed. I really liked seeing Mary, Joseph, Jesus, the angels, and Wise Men shown in different ways. It was also fascinating to see what animals they chose to accompany each scene.

 These Wise Men seemed so serene.

 These angels are ready to trumpet!
 I really liked the bird in this scene!

Merry Christmas!


  1. I am very happy to keep track the thing that I used to do. many thanks for sharing. impressive page indeed.

  2. i love your work and its surprisingly helped me and i am grateful for the information given..Thanks for sharing

  3. Desert Boy in camouflage (on the train)! Only he probably didn't know it when he got dressed to go out.

    Nice pictures! Thanks for the adventure.


  4. I love the Maori scene at the bottom! Ataahua (beautiful)!!

  5. I really like these nativity scenes, and wonder if you would give permission for our stake to use them of our Christmas Musical Program this year. I've emailed you just now, but am not sure the address is current. You can reply to me here, or at or Thanks!


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