Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012: Eat, Drink, Be Merry, and Play in Mud

Thanks for checking out my blog in 2011, I appreciate those who have taken the time to read what I have written and checking out the photos. Writing this blog helps keep me organized. Even if I have just discovered a photo from back in September.

As for the photo, the kids just couldn't resist getting wet and muddy while Dad was out irrigating. I figure that's apropos for enjoying life: playing in mud takes us back to our roots, grounds us, and is one heck of an exfoliator.

So here's to a happy and healthy and muddy 2012 for each of you!


  1. Life is good when playin in the mud!

  2. Glad I discovered your blog. I love deserts (although I'm currently nowhere near one), writing and dogs, and this seems like the perfect place to read about all of those. :)

    Beautiful photograph! It's wonderful watching children doing what all children inherently love, but are mostly denied the opportunities to do so.

  3. Everything is better when mud is involved!


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