Sunday, November 13, 2011

Horse Canyon Hike

 We bumped our way up a really rocky road recently to go for a little hike. We were wishing that the new addition to our family was up to speed so we could get there in a little more comfort! Finally we arrived at the trailhead for Horse Canyon. I had been there before but had not hiked past the trailhead, and I really wanted to this day, despite the snow.

 So we trekked up the trail, which I found extremely beautiful. There were all sorts of things to look at, like this hornet's nest. I was glad it was winter and I didn't have to worry about them.

 Desert Boy thought it was fun to run. He had a lot of energy.
 He slowed down to get a stick. Why is it that every kid needs a stick to hike?
 We eventually got to the sign marking the Mount Moriah Wilderness. The kids thought that was far enough to hike, so they snacked with Dad while I went up the trail a little farther. I didn't want to turn around, it was so pretty. I will have to go back another day!

 They were still snacking when I got back. Snack breaks are very important.

 I couldn't resist a few candids of the kids.
 My, what big blue eyes you have, Desert Girl!
 On the way down Desert Boy wanted to run some more, so I went with him. (We teach the kids they have to stay in sight of us when hiking because we don't want them to become a mountain lion snack.) Desert Boy slid along just fine. When we got to this little branch across the trail, he decided he wanted to go under it. That required him laying in the snow, but he didn't seem to care.
When we got back to the two-track road that led to the trailhead, Desert Boy had so much energy that we kept hiking down the road, past the big, beautiful ponderosa pines. It was a really fun hike, more than any of us expected. It turned out that a little snow and cold didn't put a damper on the day.


  1. When I saw the last photo but before I read the caption I thought, "hmmm, that looks like a Ponderosa Pine."
    Now why would I be thinking that? ;)

  2. Wow, look at that snow! And I was just posting last week about leaf jumping. I guess winter is just around the corner regardless. We love taking our boys hiking too :-)

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  4. Hello
    I was just showing my son some mooing cows on youtube and happened on your site. And since we have a lot in common (ranching-beautiful deserts-farming-kids) I thought I would follow your site.
    Great pics, you live in a beautiful place


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