Saturday, October 1, 2011

Desert Girl and a Puppy

 When I went to pick Desert Girl (and Desert Boy) up from the babysitter's, Desert Girl couldn't resist picking a pretty yellow flower.

 Then she got distracted by one of the Chihuahua puppies. There's one of the litter of five that lets her pick it up and carry him all around.

 Desert Girl is really possessive of the puppy. In case you're wondering, no, we're not bringing it home. No dogs in our house, plus Henry would fell left out! We really enjoy having a dog, but we also like it a lot that we have a low maintenance dog. It is particularly handy that Henry has even trained himself not to poo on the grass. My last dog never pooed on the grass either, and I never thought I would be so lucky to have two dogs like that. It certainly helps that we have lots of brush around.

So we are grateful that Emma can get her puppy fix. Like how she's still holding the flower?


  1. That puppy is going to make a fantastic companion for someone with all the socializing he is getting from Desert Girl:)

  2. ahh, c'mon mom. Desert Girl will take care of Charlie/Charlene :~)



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