Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Morning Commute

Traffic report this morning:
Watch out for some bovines cavorting on the ranch road. Especially beware of the young'uns, who are unpredictable and well, let's be honest here, a little dumb. They like to play dodge-vehicle, which really isn't the best game for longevity.

And now on to the weather report...


  1. I can see that it is rush hour with heavy inbound traffic. Watch out for lane closures.

  2. One of the great things about living in the country:)

  3. I always say remember "Cows don't walk backwards, so its best you stop and wait for it to walk around u. And never try to maneuver around by going in front the front of its head. I see people do that a lot... which makes me wonder who is dumb.


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