Friday, August 19, 2011

Tractor Kids

 It's been awhile since we've played on tractors, so it was time to head down to the lower shop and give the kids a chance to "drive."

 Desert Girl looks a little alarmed while Desert Boy gets into some wild driving scenarios--at least in his mind.

 Desert Boy shows Mom what's going on inside. Then he takes off and heads to other equipment.

 Desert Girl is ready for her turn. Even though she has to stand on the seat in order to be able to reach the steering wheel, she's ready to go.

 Look, Ma, I'm doing it!
Afterwards she has a special bounce in her step.


  1. We miss you guys after having spent those lovely days on the ranch with you this summer!

    At least there's Desert Survivor to keep us up to date!

  2. Beautiful farming collection of John Deere farm tractor toys for the young farmers.


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