Friday, August 12, 2011

Caption Ideas?

This is what Desert Boy chose to wear one day this week. I didn't know what to say. I'm not sure he did either. I think he has on two different shoes because he couldn't find two of the same kind, but I'm not totally sure. His clothes are on backwards more than frontwards, but somehow he managed to get the shorts on sideways. And he really likes to dress up, hence the turtle tie.

If you have any insights into four-year old thinking, please share!


  1. Thats cute! Im sure hayden would dress the same way if i didnt pick ou the outfits that matched. lol. Also she puts on two different kids of shoes if she cant find the ones that match!! lol. Kids do the darndest things. :)

  2. Please, please, please pick me for What Not to Wear!

  3. I think he looks awesome. But then again I did come home from church the other day and realized I had on one blue shoe and one black shoe:)

  4. "Ze desert is driving me CrAzY!"

  5. Life - what a ride.

  6. "Was I sleepwalking again?"


    BTW...Mia (who is 5 3/4 as she like to tell me) dressed herself in tights, long pants, long sleeves when it was a heat index of 100. A few minutes outside of the A/C changed her mind pretty quick!

  7. This is what happens when you leave me Home Alone.


  8. But it's all blue! Don't you get my fashion sense?


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