Sunday, June 26, 2011


 High water has created waterfalls in lots of interesting places in the area. The one above is in a channel that is usually dry. In fact, we "canyoneered" it last summer during the Fourth of July weekend when one of my brothers was out visiting.

 This is a flood control structure on one of the creeks.

And a view of it from downstream. All this water is a little frightening, so we've been careful to keep the kids far away from the fast moving water.

A different flood control structure. These help prevent the creek from cutting the banks.

This roaring creek is in one of the nearby campgrounds. Some campsites are extra damp!

There's not much snow left to melt up top (although we went hiking over some five foot drifts at 10,000 feet today). Still, there's plenty to keep the water running high for a few more weeks.
Waterfalls in the desert seem like a special treat.

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