Monday, April 11, 2011

Four Bars and a Church

There's new construction in our little hamlet, and since we don't see much construction, it's pretty exciting. Just last week the hole was dug to make room for a church in town.

My husband grew up in this town, and he remembers there being five bars in town and no church.

For some years, LDS (Mormon) services were held in the old high school. More recently, the community church and Catholic services have been held in the community center. But now, due to a generous donation and dedicated community members, we are going to have a bona fide church.

They had the forms out to pour the foundation.

The church won't be big, but it's going to be highly visible.

Just a week later, noticeable progress has been made. The foundation has been poured, and they're about ready to put up the walls.

It will be neat to follow the progress. The plan is to have the church finished by the first of June.
Although I have to wonder if all this spring snow might slow them down a bit. They've been out working in the not-so-great weather, so perhaps they will make their goal.

So what has happened to those five bars of my husband's younger days?

Well, two are still operating. Three have closed. And two different ones are now operating. So we'll be a town with four bars and a church.


  1. A stop light and now a church?! I think it's time for you to pack up and move out into the boonies.


  2. Wow! You guys are really in the big time!!

  3. Now you need to work on getting a genuine swimmin' hole again.....

  4. Having hunted all over the west I have found that those conditions exist in many of the small towns we stop in to get some food and refreshments. It is rare that there isnt at least 2 bars and most of the time no church that is open.


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