Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Egg Dyeing

We've found ourselves with a lot of eggs recently, so I decided it was time to hardboil some eggs and dye them as we get ready for Easter. I have fond memories of doing this as a kid, so I was pretty sure that Desert Boy would enjoy it too. (I think I remember the vinegar smelling a lot stronger as a kid--am I losing my sense of smell as I age?)

We started off by making three little pots of water, and Desert Boy got to choose the colors. He wanted purple, blue, and green.

He has an egg all ready to go in. One of the few uncracked eggs. Somehow we managed to crack some early on in the process.

Then he carefully lowered it into the dye.

He used crayons to color on some of the eggs before we dyed them, and that had a nice effect.

In the background, Desert Girl is waving the train tickets from the weekend adventure with the cousins. I will try to get that posted before too long. I have lots of blog material because we've been doing lots lately, but not much time to sit down and put it on the blog!

Daddy dries the egg and Desert Boy decides what to do next. The rubber band effect was also kind of cool, leaving a white spot on the egg. It would have been even better if we could have found more than one rubber band!

And here's our finished product! We might have to do it all over again, it was so much fun!


  1. I have always loved to dye eggs. Desert Boy looks like he had a grand time!!

  2. Looks like lots of fun. It's such a fun time of year for my kids. They want to dye eggs for weeks after Easter is over :)


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