Friday, March 4, 2011


It's almost time for big Mardi Gras carnivals, so it's quite fitting to post about the school's winter carnival, held last week. There was already a big crowd at the Bingo table when we arrived. This is always a really well-attended event, as people are eager to get out of their houses and it's a fun fundraiser for the school.

Desert Boy wanted tickets immediately so he could go play games. Even he remembered how much fun Carnival is!

After a quick round of bean bag toss, he went to the tattoo booth, where he found Teacher Gwendy.

The theme for the Carnival was President's Day, so I thought it was really cute that he chose a patriotic peace theme. He called it the striped ball tattoo.

It is a very nice striped ball.

One of the booths was a dress up and get your photo taken booth. We had a family portrait taken as warrior vikings, each of us with our own sword. Afterward my husband took off in the crowd. Can you spot him? He's wearing the Viking helmet and Emma is looking right at me.

Another popular booth was the spin the wheel game. Every player wins a prize.

Emma can't wait till she's old enough.

After all that playing, it was time for a snack.

And more Bingo! By now there were so many people playing that the teenagers were standing up. They had great Bingo prizes, but I don't think it would matter what the prize was, people just like to play Bingo, and this is the one time of year they get to do it.

It was a fun night!


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