Monday, January 24, 2011

A Ride on the Dinosaur

A couple weekends ago we had a chance to ride on this old dinosaur, a 1970s vintage snow mobile. Very few people around here have snow mobiles, as it's only every 5 or 10 years that we have sufficient valley snow to actually use one. This one had previously been used on National Forest and National Park land. A neighbor bought it, and when she heard about how hard it was to go check on cattle in places, she offered to lend it to the ranch. A mechanic was able to get it going again, and before it was taken out in the boonies, it was decided that it needed some test rides close to home. That's where we came in!

As you can see, it was really white! This snow fell before Christmas, but because of the cold temperatures has been hanging around ever since.

My husband and I got turns on the snow mobile, and it was super fun! So fun that maybe in a few years we'll try a snow mobile trip up on the high plateau in Utah. There are lots of snow mobile trails and rentals over there. And more snow than we get!

Even Desert Boy got a ride. I don't think he stopped grinning the entire time. It was a fun opportunity. Thanks, Dave!


  1. That looks like lots of fun! Won't be long before Desert Boy and Girl both will want snow boards :~)


  2. I love riding a snowmobile! My Dad's family is from western NY where they get loads of snow each year. The entire county is riddled with snowmobile trails that are groomed by local volunteers. Such fun!!


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