Friday, January 14, 2011


I was flabbergasted when I came down the road yesterday and saw this sight.


I don't use that word lightly.

Actually, who could use that word lightly? It's a big, bulky, odd word. I like using strange words occasionally. It makes me think that studying for the SAT all those years ago actually had a benefit besides a test score. And who knows when I will need some hoity-toity high-falutin' word to impress some dignitary.

But I digress. Do you see what is causing me so much consternation?

That blinking LED light above the stop light. We now have a stop light in our tiny community! A STOP LIGHT!

What is this world coming to?


  1. Was Desert Girl the population bump that required the addition of the light?

  2. LOL
    I didn't even know that was there until I read your post. Ha ha! I can't believe that. I was proud of our small (street light-less) town. Too bad :(
    Who's crazy idea was that and how much is that going to cost us? LOL

  3. What's next? A red light district???

  4. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! OMG. I am stunned and dismayed. It's the end of an era. (weeping a tiny bit, in between bouts of hysterical laughter)

  5. I guess it's time to pack up and move out into the boonies.


  6. Just is the right-light camera!


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