Monday, January 31, 2011

Ballet West

We got a real treat a couple weeks ago. Ballet West from Salt Lake City ventured out into the boonies to put on a ballet presentation for the school kids. Since I have never seen a ballet and was feeling culturally destitute, I jumped at the chance to attend.

They started with a warm up at the bar, with an announcer describing what they were doing. The kids (and adults) were entranced. We just don't see stuff like that around here!

Desert Boy was really good for the whole performance, sitting on his cousin's lap. Desert Girl wasn't so good, but I still managed to take some photos.

Part of their presentation was getting the kids to come up and participate. There was no shortage of volunteers!

Here the boys are turning their feet to the side and getting ready to jump.

Caleb says, "I did it!" And in snow boots, no less.

Then one of the ballerinas came out in costume. You should have heard all the little girls ooh and ahh.

She showed off her toe shoes and explained all the practice that is involved in being a ballerina-about 6 hours a day.

Then the other performers came out and did some scenes.

The kids loved the scary man. I have to admit I don't know the character!

The dancing was great. Even the boys were fascinated; they really liked all the jumps.

It was great, and everyone wished it would have lasted longer. It was so nice to get a taste of culture, and hopefully we can have another program like that someday! Thanks to Ballet West and to Mrs. Phillips who helped arrange for them to come!


  1. Scarey man is Carobosse.

  2. The girls and I ditched Big Daddy in December to attend our first live ballet performance. How lovely it was! It was small, local theater but was (as you put it) feeding the need for a taste of culture.

    I think Caleb could be on to something, boots and all!


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