Thursday, December 2, 2010


We pulled out an Advent calendar in anticipation of Christmas. Desert Boy really enjoys opening the doors, and this particular one has fun little pictures behind each door, just right for his age. Some day we might get one of those Advent calendars that has chocolates for each day, but then I'm afraid we'll have to get one of those every year because we'll be addicted!

We also have our Advent wreath out. We light one candle the first week of Advent (this week), then two next week, and so on. Desert Boy gets the point that the more candles that are lit, the closer we are to Christmas. But his favorite part is blowing out the candle after dinner.

Why is he in his pajamas? Well, this is a staged photo. Last night we were doing something special so we didn't eat dinner at home so we didn't light the candle. We did it instead this morning. And that something special will be the subject of the next post...


  1. Pita was VERY excited about her Advent calendar this year. Like running into her Mom and Dad's bedroom before dawn yesterday morning to tell them that it was December excited!

  2. So glad to see the traditions carried on. Desert Boy looks so excited.

  3. We have ours loaded with extra for the days you are here, so there will be something for Desert Boy and Girl when they open the doors. We have a wooden one with little cubbies and doors for each day. For everyone to share.


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