Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kite Flying

We seem to have no shortage of wind out here in the desert, so last week we made the most of it and went kite flying. It was Desert Boy's first experience kite flying.

You can see from the expression on his face that he thought it was grand. He crashed the kite a bunch of times...

but he managed to keep it up in the air most of the time.

I wasn't sure if the really thin thread on our dollar-store kite would hold up, but it did. In fact, we definitely got our money's worth!

Kite flying is something difficult to appreciate in still photos, so here's a little video:

1 comment:

  1. Oh, what a fun day!! I love to fly kites. There is a particular area of beach just up the coast that draws kite surfers. It is all kinds of fun to watch them!!


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